Sunday, July 1, 2007

What A Great Block Party!

<-Click on this picture to see all the pictures taken for this event. Then click your browser "back button" to return here.
The City Workers dropped off the street closed signs around 8:30am.

Everyone prepared a dish or two to share. Here's Wilma doing her thing!

Street now officially closed...let the set-up begin!

Charlie and the gang resting after setting up the tables, popcorn dispenser, snow cone machine, the grills for the dogs and burgers, and all the tables & chairs. Charlie lives directly across the street from us and sponsers the party. What a guy!

Wilma getting ready to party!

As neighbors arrive they claim their table. In the background is the "blow up slide" for the kids. They all had a great time playing in that.

Panaramic of the food table

The food is ready....step up and fill your dish.

What great food!
What variety!
What a party enjoyed by all!

Rebecca & Brooke making modern art with a "Spin painter machine" It spins a piece of 3X5 paper and you drop a drop of paint on it. The kids really enjoyed creating their art work.

The air inflated "Jump & Slide" the kids enjoyed.

Even a clown was there doing face painting. Rainbows, dolphins, roses, etc.

Our only Grandson, Dakota getting ready to party.

All fifteen round tables were full so we set up our own on our drive.

Directly across from our driveway is Charlie's drive. "The adult beverage area." We made many trips under the "arc"!

Even "Mom", Charlie's mom made her appearance, (keeping law and order.) ..... ;>)

Everyone having a great time getting to know each other. Neighbors from 3 blocks away attended.

Wilma returning from having her palm read. Must have been great news from the smile on her face!

Maybe the lottery???!!!???

Seconds anyone? There's plenty of food left for seconds.

Tina, our daughter with her youngest daughter Savannah.

Tina's daughter Rebecca.

Our Gang...
Top Row: Our Daughters, Angel & Tina
Bottom Row: Rebecca (Tina's Daughter), Brooke (Angel's Daughter), Savannah (Tina's Daughter), and Dakota(Tina's Son)

Dakota in his "Ninja" stance. Don't mess with this boy and his fans!

Why didn't someone tell me to take off the "glow in the dark ring" around my head!

Anticipation for the fireworks in our front yard.

Take me to my seat Savannah.

Kids on the blanket, we on the chairs. Can't be better!

I was standing on the spot where the fireworks will be lit off. Perfect front row seats in front of our home.

Wilma, Clint, and Angel.
Clint is Wilma's nephew, who is moving up to Michigan from Kentucky.

We are ready....let the fireworks begin!

Anticipation for the fireworks.

Let the show begin!

Great fireworks......

And LOUD!!!

Check back at a future date for more of our Adventures.

1 comment:

Soulmate315 said...

Wow! This website is awesome. I would love to have a block party in my neighborhood. It looks like such fun!

Mr. Moon, you do a great job with the website. It shows how much enjoyment you get out of being a dad and grandpa.

I still say Angel is the spitting image of her mama!

Moon, thanks for sharing the link!